Peter R. Jost
I grew up on the family farm one mile west of the newly founded city of Hillsboro. I had many chores and responsibilities helping my parents during the pioneer days. I accepted Christ when I was ten years old and was later baptized and became a member of the Gnadenau Church.
I married Aganetha Flaming and in 1905 we moved to Hooker, Oklahoma where we homesteaded for 9 years. I helped establish a church while there.
In 1915 we moved back to Hillsboro and farmed and assisted in the work of the church, where in 1919 I was elected to the ministry of the church. I served to the best of my ability for thirty five years and found great joy in the study of the scriptures.
The Lord blessed us richly, spiritually and materially, giving us a loving family circle including ten children. Three sons and four daughters grew to adulthood, among whom were John F. and Louise (Mrs. Herman D. Friesen) who were long-time members of Gnadenau, in addition to Ella, Ed, Arnold, Kathryn and Agnes.
My heart was broken in 1952 when my wife was killed in a tragic automobile accident, but we had been able to celebrate our golden wedding anniversary two years earlier for which I praise God.