At Parkview MB Church, you’re invited to Come to the Table.
The table is where family gathers, and there’s a seat here for you. Take your place, scoot your chair up and dig in.
We want people who come to the table to CONNECT with God and one another.
One of the main ways we do this is through our weekly worship gathering.

We move beyond mere connection to a place of BELONGing when following Jesus together. Belonging begins by engaging with one another more deeply in community. Belonging is established by saying “yes” to Jesus and is strengthened in smaller gatherings like Sunday school, Bible studies, and community groups.
Together, we pursue growth and maturity as followers of Jesus Christ, wanting to be more like Him.
Being more like Jesus leads us to SERVE one another and others more fully and faithfully.
We believe maturing and faithful Christians have the capacity and calling to SHARE Jesus with those who don’t yet know Him. As we share with others, we invite them to come to the table.