- Some of our missionaries serve in restricted access countries, so their names and photos may be withheld for security reasons.

Caleb & Cayleigh Phillips
Advocate's Reach - Thailand
Caleb and Cayleigh serve alongside Caleb's parents, Michael and Naomi, helping with the community development/ agriculture program.

Carmen Owen
Multiply - USA/Thailand
Carmen co-directs the Freedom Trades discipleship and vocational training program for women coming out of incarceration in Chiang Mai.

Cotorey Seals
Navigators - USA
Cotorey serves with the Navigators in the Great Lakes region. He leads several small-group Bible studies and does life-to-life discipleship at D-House.

Jeremiah & Jenny Janney
Navigators - USA
Jeremiah and Jenny serve as campus directors with the Navigators at the University of Missouri. They disciple college students, leading life-on-life groups and Bible studies.

Joanna Chapa
Multiply - Peru
Joanna works alongside Stacy Kuhns at Casa Caminata training and equipping young leaders, and serves local churches with leadership support and discipleship strategies.

Joanna Pharazyn & Jonathan Gutierrez
Multiply - Portugal
Joanna and Jonathan are involved in outreach and community building in Portugal. They also are leaders in the local church.

Katie Mount
Multiply - Thailand
Katie works alongside Thai leaders at Zion Church. She also serves at Standing Strong for women coming out of sex-trafficking and the Abundant Life Home for HIV-positive children.

Ken & Karol Christie
Navigators - USA
Karol is the Executive Assistant to the Navigators' Director of World Missions. Ken leads the Navigators' Business-AS-Mission work, training people in building missional businesses.

Kyle & Danae Schmidt
Multiply - Uganda
Kyle and Danae work alongside the leadership team at King's Kid Home and School, providing discipleship and trades training for youth.

Michael & Naomi Phillips
Advocate's Reach - Thailand
Michael and Naomi have served in northern Thailand for 29 years. Their primary ministry is leadership training to tribal leaders.

Ozz & Sara Kumrod
Multiply - Thailand
The Kumrods serve with the Thailand Mennonite Brethren Church Association (TMBCA). Ozz leads a church, The Life Center (TLC), and the whole family is involved in the ministry.

Ricky and Karen Sanchez
YWAM - Thailand
Ricky is the Global Sports Director at YWAM Thailand, using sports in mission. Karen is director of the Abundant Life Home for HIV-positive children.

Shara Tanner
AIM - Tanzania
Shara works as a homeschool teacher in Tanzania. She and her team serve and partner with the local churches to advance the gospel.

Tim & Malia Peters
URM/Door of Hope - USA
Tim serves as the Director of Philanthropy for Union Rescue Mission. URM helps the homeless escape the streets by providing food, shelter, education, and the Door of Hope recovery program.